Simple 4 Step Skincare Routine
These days skincare has become completely overcomplicated for absolutely no reason.
Sure you can have a 20 something product routine, but it’s not necessary in order to achieve great skin.
When you are first starting our on your skincare journey I advise that you keep it as simple as possible.
Because you will likely fail at committing yourself to your daily routine if it too complicated.
Lets Break It Down
Step 1:
Cleanser- You should be using a cleanser that is for your skin type. Normal, Combo, Oily or Dry. You should be washing your face two times a day . Once in the Morning and Twice at night .
60 seconds in the morning and at night you should be double cleansing for 60 seconds.
Try the 28 Skincare Daily Cucumber Cleanser
Step 2
Toner- I love a good toner! Toner is used to rebalance the PH of your skin after cleansing. This is followed immediately by your cleanser. Place the toner of a cotton pad and wipe your face. Be sure to use upward motions.
Try The Glow By Sabrina Toner.
Step 3
Moisturizer- The goal is moisturizer is to bring back moisture to the skin. Super simple concept right ? Now you need to make sure you are using a moisturizer that is specifically for the face. BODY LOTION DOES NOT BELONG ON THE FACE. YOU WILL CLOG YOUR PORES!
Try The Hydrating Moisturizer From Skin Script
Step 4
SPF- Last but not least SPF. SPF should be worn at all times. I don’t give a damn if there aint no sun shining, your only going to be outside for a little bit, your of darker complexion blah blah.
Your entire skincare routine is pointless if you are not wearing sunscreen. Think about it .. do you straighten your hair without putting heat protectant on it? Do you put oven mitts on before you go a get food out of a hot oven? So then why are you not protecting your skin from the damaging UV rays???? SPF is critical! you only need to apply it in the morning, and if you will outside for long periods of time then you need to reapply every 2 hours .
My all time favorite Sunscreen is Black Girl Sunscreen
I hope this was super helpful. I will make another post about how to expand your skincare routine to incorporate exfoliation and serums soon!! Message me if you have any questions!